First week in Saco, Maine

This week has been interesting. It's always weird going to a new area, having new faces at church, and just everything is new, but things in the area going good. I'm doing great! Saco is a great place, and there are a lot of people around here so it will be good, but they are all Mainers. haha It's weird being back in Maine. I forgot how different the people are here. Literally, nobody is religious here. haha. There is not too much going on in Saco at the moment. We are pretty much just teaching one person and it seems like the teaching pool is dry, but it's all good. I'm excited to pick it up again. 

It's been a weird adjustment coming to Saco, especially before Christmas and Thanksgiving but it's going good! The members seem like really nice people, so it's going to be fun. 

So far being  a zone leader is great. It's not too much different, so I like it. I know this is where the Lord wants me so it's going to be a good time!

It's getting way cold up here, and it's been snowing a lot this week! My companion is from Lone Peak. I like him a lot. 

Love ya! 

Elder Garrett Frampton 

P.S. No Vlog this week. I asked my comp if he would want to do a vlog and be said he would next week, so I'll send you one next week!

Here are some photos of my goodbye's in Littleton: 

Me and Elder Davis saying goodbye

Dinner at Chile's to say goodbye to my boy, Mike in the back.

Shawn Hausien, who is getting baptized on December 8th.

My recent convert Jay Zhou

The Blosil family. Best family EVER, and best cook of all time.


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