Go Light The World!

Hello friends and family!!! Happy thanksgiving!!

Okay wow! This week was funny!! But first, Tea is all in. We had a lesson with her this week and she just poured her heart out! She was bearing her testimony and crying. It was amazing! The spirit was sooo strong! I love Tea! She has changed her baptism date to the 9th of December because she wants her family to be there! 

Dave has been out of town for thanksgiving so we haven't talked to him a lot this week, but he's doing good and progressing well! That's about it. We are still trying to find more investigators and we have been, but it's hard because they always bail last second. 

For Thanksgiving we went to the Harpers and they invited the Huppes. It was great. We played some football before and after dinner. I loved it. The families wanted the Elders to be the captain's and pick the football teams. The last player Elder Bester picked was a girl and she got sooo mad! She was like "why do I have to be on the sucky team!?" hahahhahaah It was hilarious. Oh my, I couldn't stop laughing. Then halfway through the game almost all of Elder Bester's team quit . .  . Anyways thanksgiving was great! The people in Maine are feeding us so much. I can't fit into my jeans anymore. 

Okay, funny story! We found an ALIEN! Aliens really do exist! And they are in Maine. We were walking and we see two guys walking toward us so we started talking to them! One of them was way cool and the other was crazy!! He said that Jesus came from a shark, and that the world came from a cat that had a cold or something! I was like "Ok?! How do you know this?" He told us that his "teacher" taught him.  I was like "who's your teacher?" He said "She lives in the trees." You can just imagine the look on our faces! THEN he starts going on about how he goes up to space and translates for aliens and he starts naming off 4 different types of alien species 1. Caddahandra (No idea) 2. HUMAN BEINGS, and Idk the rest! But apparently he is part of the Caddahandra species and can control people with his mind. 

Next funny thing . . . we got involved in this service project for Christmas. The theme of it is the Polar express so me and Elder Bester had to dress up as elves and welcome all the kids to the North pole! It was so fun! We had elf names and mine was Buttercup and Elder Bester was Chocolate Chip! It was bad. We had to go up on stage and sing and perform in these elf costumes in front of like 450 kids! Me and Elder Bester were the tallest ones there!! Haha Then all the elves lined up and 1 by 1 we had to say our names in front of a huge crowd. When me and Elder Bester said our names everybody just laughed! It was sooo funny.

One more story. Wow this email is long. Okay, so we went out to dinner with one of our members, the Goodmans. After dinner we went to L.L. Bean, which is a store where you get coats and winter stuff. The Goodmans wanted to go there to get me a new jacket for winter and I was like, "No, you don't have to," but they did anyway and on the way back to the apartment I thanked them for the new jacket" and sister Goodman just turned around and was like, "We love you Elder Frampton." I thought that would make my mom smile to know people have got my back in the mission field. 

Love you all!! Go light the world this Christmas!! 

Elder Frampton


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