Not one, not two, not three . . .

Hey Family and friends!!!

Everyone is Cornish wants to feed us! We have a calendar that goes around the church so people can sign up to feed us and some of the members are literally fighting over the meal calendar hahaha! Probably around 10 members a week come up to us and ask where the calendar is! They are like little kids, it's soo funny! 

We had a meal every day this week and I'm noticing that no one laughs, so when me or Elder Bester tell jokes and no one laughs we just look at each other and smile hahaha Maybe I'm just not funny. Haha! 

Also a thing I've noticed in new England is that the man of the house will just start saying a prayer on the food whenever he wants Haha! Like I'll be talking and then mid-sentence I'll hear this, "Dear Heavenly Father" and I'm like, "is he praying right now!??" So funny!  

Okay this week Tea is getting baptized!!! On the 9th. She moved it back a week because she wants family to be there!! AND I am the lucky one who gets to baptize her!! So, I'm nervous! But excited! Tea is amazing. 

Then on the other hand we have Dave, who is also amazing. He is a funny guy! He's progressing really well. Slowly, but surely! He's finally felt the spirit while he was reading  the Book of Mormon so he has his answer and he knows this is the right path for him.

A couple miracles I've seen this week. We were in a lesson and apparently the investigator gets really bad pain in her back and shoulder so she asked for a blessing and she wanted me or Elder Bester to do it. Elder Bester wanted me to do it so I did! And after the blessing  she said her pain was gone right after the blessing so that was cool. Then the next day I went on exchange with elder McCormick and that day we found 4 new investigators and handed out 8 book of Mormons! I made a video about it! It was a great day! 

Every thing is going great! And doing well! Love you all! 
Elder Frampton 


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