One transfer down. Just a weird week really . . .
Okaayyyyyy ladies and gentleman!!!
It was good week! This letter I will start off with a sad story. Me and Bester, we do these things called "CBC`S" which is a "courage belt contact." We built up the courage to go knock on a car window. These three guys were in the car. At first they seemed chill and wanted to talk, but all of the sudden they were like, "GO AWAY!" and we were like, "What?" Then they just started hating on Mormons hahahaha So we said goodbye and Elder Bester closed the door and the guy opens the door again and was like, "Don't do that EVER again. That could've hurt my arm." We just walked away and I don't know why, but I was just dying laughing hahaha I Just feel bad for their hard hearts!
Just a weird week really. One of our investigators shot his hand and it went through his hand and hit his friend's shoulder!! He said it was "on accident." And he ended getting kicked out of his house because of it which is sad. He is a good guy. We are trying to help him out.
We are working with two who are progressing and one is getting baptized on December 2nd. The other one has felt the spirit and comes to church, but doesn't know if the Book of Mormon is true!
Anyways, me and Elder Bester found this rec center where people go to play some basketball and so we went to go check it out and we saw one of our investigators there so we played against them! Of course, you know me, just reigning 3's all day long! Jk But it was way fun. We are going back Monday night to play them again and we picked up some of our investigator's friends as new investigators, which is way cool. I'm excited to play some basketball again in my chubby body! Ha ha
It turns out that Stephen King lives in my area!!!! That guy who wrote "IT" and a bunch of other creepy movies. People see him all the time around here. Also Jimmy Fallon lives here in the summer and of course Mitt Romney, my homeboy, and Adam Sandler grew up in Manchester, so pretty cool stuff.
Thanks for the scarf mom.
Here is a photo of me at Orchard Beach '
Ok, so FUNNIEST STORY EVER! Today because it's P-day we went and got haircuts. So I get called up first then Elder Bester gets called up 5 minutes after me. But the next thing I know he's done with his haircut, so I was like, wow, that was quick. Then I see him out of the corner of my eye and he is pretty much bald hahahahaha The lady that did his haircut just shaved his head!! It reminded me of my mom back in the day when I was a little boy. ha ha jk mom love ya! But anyways, after we were done with our haircuts I could not stop laughing! Here is a picture of the before and after! You can't even recognize him!
But anyways, everything is going good. We found 100 new investigators in the month of October as a district!
That's about it! Love you guys. Be safe!
Elder Frampton
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