The blizzard

What a crazy week, but a really good week as well! We have so much going on here, it's awesome! Brittany  and Justin and seriously the coolest and most strongest (almost members) of the church. Most churches cancelled church yesterday, but not ours! Ha ha Brittany and Justin walked with us to church in a blizzard! It was awesome! It's like a 45 minute walk. Then some other people we invited came to church as well! We had 5 people come to church in a blizzard! Ha ha miracles.  

Nothing too crazy happened this week, just a lot of teaching and snow shoveling so it's been fun! I've definitely learned to love snow shoveling ha ha! It's been fun! A lot of good things are happening and we have been talking to a lot of cool people! I'm excited. The weather has been pretty bad, but not as bad as what was expected! We felt like the pioneers! ha ha 

The Lord provides! 

Glad you had a good time at grandma's birthday! I miss the family too! Except for Emma! Ha ha 
The Lord lives and Jesus is the son. Christ lives and hears our prayers and answers them. He loves us individually and helps us through our trials! 

I love you mom!! 


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