Farewell Cornish ME, Hello Georgetown, MA
Hey family and friends!!! This week has been crazy! I had a busy p-day last week and didn't have time to write. I also don't have very much time to write this week. Because of transfers and the huge storm, P-day has been moved to today, so it's been a weird P-day.
This past couple weeks have been really good! Seen a lot of miracles! (Back story) So before Elder Bester went home, we visited a less active family and they were not interested at all! But we just shared with them a quick message before we left. THEN, a couple weeks ago at church, after sacrament, the mom of this family came up to us and said her daughter, who is 14 years old wanted to take the lessons and eventually be baptized! We were pumped!! We taught her the restoration and she is so prepared! We set a baptismal date with her for the 7th of April! We are excited, but I'm bummed because I won't be able to attend because I'm getting transferred. );
Later in the week we set a baptismal date with Dave! He finally understands the gospel and is going to try his best to be ready for his baptism on the 28th of April! I won't be at his baptism either but I'm excited for Elder Wandry and his new companion, Elder Benedict, who was in my MTC district. I'm excited for them to witness the baptisms in the Cornish area! I'm going to try and get permission to Skype in for Dave's baptism!
I know my family is dying right now especially my mom because she doesn't know where I'm getting transferred to. hahaha. I'm getting transferred to Georgetown, Massachusetts. I'll be serving with Elder Solomon and I'm way excited because he is a way nice guy! I'm really sad to leave Cornish and Elder Wandry though and I won't really have time to say goodbye to the ward.
That's about it for the week! I'm excited for the change and a new adventure. I've heard a lot of good things about Georgetown, so I will update you on how it goes!
I'm doing really well!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Frampton
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