Movin on . . .

Vlog 15 July 23rd Last Vlog with Stegeman

Everything is going great! But sadly, I am moving on. :(  I am going to Littleton Massachusetts! Not only did Steve Carell live in my area, but also captain America AKA, Chris Evans! Every once in a while people will see him around, so hopefully I see him! His dad owns a dentist company here so he stops in now and then! 

My new stake president is Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's son! I met him yesterday! I also heard that Elder Holland comes to the ward every once in a while, so lot of crazy things! 

I am doing great. It's hard leaving Georgetown, but I'm excited to be staying in Massachusetts! My new comp said he would be open to doing some vlogs so we will some probably have one next week. He is pretty chill and we get along! He likes musubi so that's a plus. I am making it like everyday! 

Mom, Mosiah 15 is confusing to me too, but if you read in the Bible, John 17:21 it talks about how Jesus Christ and God are "one" but only in purpose. And in John 17:21 it talks about how we should all try to be "one", if that makes any sense! Ha ha love ya mom! Thank you for everything! See you in a year!!! 

Elder Frampton


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