Miracles have not ceased!

Hello friends and family! 

Happy New year!! It was awesome seeing my family again on Christmas! It was weird being in the position of the missionary, but good to see them! Went by way to quick.

This week was amazing and boring at the same time! It is getting cold and it's crazy, but sweet--a once in a lifetime experience! I check the weather every morning when I wake up and it it like -25 degrees on a daily.When you walk outside, your nostril hairs freeze! Haha It's pretty sweet. I love it!

We have been inside a lot just trying to think of ideas to do, but it's not bad. We still do a lot and try talking to people in stores, so it's all good

Early in the week we went to Tea's house to help some people snowplow her driveway. When we got there, nobody was there to help us snow shovel, and her driveway was filled with snow! Ha ha so me and Elder Wandry looked at each other with fear in our eyes because all we have is small little shovels and everyone else has plows. But we went and shoveled for almost two hours hahaha It was awesome. I have pictures of her driveway and how deep the snow is. ha ha 

But it was fun! Then Tea gave us "her famous hot cocoa" then we finally had the opportunity to talk to Ron, who is Tea's husband! And he is awesome! We showed a video about temple's and told them how Families and marriages can be together forever! It was sweet. I made a video of our family and showed them. 

Later in the week we get an email from Sister Blair saying we can't be outside for more then 20 minutes at a time because of the crazy low temperatures. So me and Elder Wandry didn't know what to do. It was rough. THEN a miracle happened!!! 

We decided to go store contacting! The first store we went into we picked up a new investigator named Christopher. He is a cool guy! Then we were walking to another store and found a credit card on the ground so we picked it up and returned it to the nearest store. When we gave it to them we started talking to them about the gospel, and also gave them Book of Mormons because they were interested too! But since they were working they couldn't really talk about religion so we just gave them our number and decided to go back to the car. Then we checked our phone and there was a voice mail from some random number. It was the guy who left his credit card so we called him back and it was crazy because he said he prayed that his credit card would be in good hands, and we picked it up! It turns out to he was an investigator from a while ago, but we never got in contact with him so we set a return appointment. We are so excited! 

Me and Elder Wandry are excited to teach some new people in the month of JAN-U-Dunk it! And we are going back to the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial on Wednesday for new Missionaries Training Meeting. I'm excited. 

I have learned a lot of things about my self that I've never thought I could do! I'm really starting to love training! You literally get to shape a missionary because he does what ever the trainer does so if the trainer works hard so will the trainee! So that's pretty cool! Heavenly father defiantly watching over me. 

Read the Book of Mormon. Reading the Book of Mormon is seriously the best! 

Elder Frampton


  1. I LOVE your sons emails. He gives a lot more detail than my boy so it’s fun to see what exactly they are up to. Elder Wandry seems to be doing great and is enjoying his time with your son.


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