The Power of the Priesthood
Well hello friends and family!!! This week was pretty dang sweet!
Let's start off with a couple of sweet miracles we saw this week!! Okay, so first a member of our ward has been struggling with cancer and has been in a lot of pain for almost 18 months. He toldme that he hasn't had a full nights sleep for a long time. By the end of the dinner appointment he got really emotional and asked if I could give him a priesthood blessing so I did. In the blessing I said, "you will be able to have a full night's rest." We came back a week later and he said he had a great night's sleep after the blessing, which he hasn't had in a very long time. It is pretty cool to see the power that God has given us!
Then yesterday after Sacrament a lady in our ward pulled her back out and came up to me and Elder Wandry and asked for a priesthood blessing so we said OF COURSE. We into the bishop's office and Elder Wandry did the anointing and I did the blessing. In the blessing I said that her pain would be relieved and she would have the ability to do all she had to accomplish this week. We got a text from her this morning saying how much she felt the spirit when I placed my hands upon her head, and how she is no longer in pain! Just such a really cool blessing to see the power of the Priesthood and the hand of God.
Earlier this week we went to a member meal and brother Osborne was like "before we eat, let's go visit some families I know!" So we stopped by to visit a guy who is living in the old Elder's apartment and he is awesome and way cool. We picked him as a new investigator and shared with him a cool message on spiritual whirlwinds. Then we went and visited a new investigator and she invited us in and we had the opportunity to meet her husband and they are such nice people! We are going back on Thursday!.
That's about it for this week! I am doing well! I love the Lord and Jesus Christ! Through him and by him we can do all things!
Love Elder Garrett Taylor Frampton
PS. Patriots are in the superbowl!!!!!
P.S. Here we are at a member's house that is huge and old:
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