A way cool, funny week

Hello friends and family!! 

Yes, I know, the patriots lost . . . 

Besides that, this week was a good one! 

Funny story. Every night me and Elder Wandry walk to the Laundromat nearby to try and talk to people. Tonight we were talking to someone when all of the sudden I hear these drums and guitar and I was like "what the heck!?" Haha Come to find out there is a band that plays every Monday night at the Laundromat Haha! 

Oh and another funny story! So we were having dinner with the Huppe's and their son, Nick was done with his milk and he started playing around with his cup. His mom was like, "Nick, don't do that or you're gonna get milk on the table." So he put his cup down and it tipped over and hit my cup, which was full. Then my cup tipped over and milk spilled all over me and my pants hahahaha! Then the dog jumped up and started trying to lick my pants haha. Anyway, you had to be there. 

This week we had a powerful lesson with Dave #2 who is a new investigator. He is a Lutheran and says he is not gonna change his religion! But as we were going throughout the lesson I talked about the Book of Mormon and where it came from and why it is important! I told him about the Bible scripture in John 10 that says "I have other sheep which are not of this fold and them also I must bring." He said he got the chills, and he was speechless so it was pretty cool. I think he is starting to open his mind more about our religion. 

We had a way cool lesson with Dave #1. He is one of those "eternalgators," which is an investigator who has been investigating the church forever, but during our lesson he was really leaning towards baptism. It was way cool! And in his closing prayer he really was asking the Lord for an answer about whether he should be baptized or not. It was sweet! 

That's about it this week.

Elder Frampton

P.S.  I saw a moose!!! 


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