Facebook Finding

This week was a really good week, actually! We saw a ton of success and I'm super excited about this couple we are teaching! I found them on Facebook just last week! They are Justin and Brittany. They aren't married yet (we are working on that). They also drink coffee (working on that too). First we invited them to the Christmas party the other day and they came! Then a member at the Christmas party invited them to church the next day! And guess what!? They came. It was awesome. They showed up with their Dunkin Donuts coffee. It was hilarious, but they enjoyed church so much! They love the people of the ward. Brittany said it was "breathtaking." 

After church, later that night, we invited them to the Christmas devotional and they came! We told them about a modern day prophet and they were super pumped when they saw Russell M Nelson! Then Justin was like, "Woah, that's super weird," and we were like, "what?" He said, "I've been praying to know what church to go to, my church or your church, and I looked over and saw this box that read, "come follow me." It was super cool. They loved everything about our church and are planning to come to our service every week now! 

Woooohoooo miracles! They are seriously the coolest people! The lord puts people in our lives that are so ready to hear about this gospel! What humbling experiences. It was super cool! We see them again tomorrow and I'm pumped! 

I know that Jesus Christ lives and that God hears and answers our prayers! Happy holidays! 


Elder Garrett Taylor Frampton


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