Hello to all and to all a Merry Christmas! 
Alright, to start off this crazy week I will  talk about my new companion, Elder Wandry, who is fresh out of the MTC. He is from Colorado so I have yet to have a companion from the state of Utah and neither one of them likes Utah. It's hilarious hahha! But anyways, he is a cool guy! Really nice and friendly!  And he likes musubi. 

On our first day in Cornish we had a really cool experience. While we were street contacting people I said to Elder Wandry, "which way are we going?" He said, "lets go left,: so we went left and we see this guy in his driveway. We go up to talk to him, but he already knew who we were so he said the classic line, "I'm all set." Everyone says that here. Usually we just turn around and keep walking, but I was like, nah not this time, so I said, "we aren't here to share a message, we are just here to help." Then all of the sudden this guy just starts opening up to us about a recent death in the family. I told him that families can be forever and shared a scripture with him in the Book Of Mormon and he thought that was really cool and wants to learn more! He said it was inspired that we came and stopped by! it was awesome!

In the great area of cornish we have a lot of potential to do some great things! We have Ron (Tea's Husband),Dave and Paul (Brian's dad), but since the weather has been so bad here we aren't able to drive or really do anything except for shovel snow around town, which is actually a lot of fun! I'm gonna be huge when get home! 

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Remember that the true meaning of christmas really is about Jesus Christ! 

Elder Frampton 

Here are some photos of our snow storm today. We were grounded until 2 p.m.  


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